July 3, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

A mundane, under-appreciated, factor potentially driving UAP “disclosure”.

2 min read


I came across this Twitter post just yesterday (seemed odd Twitter would suggest this almost a month after it was originally posted) and thought it was interesting. An alternative explanation on ‘Why Now?’ and the sudden rush.

Just when I was exploring and thinking about alternative explanations as to why Congress seems to be in such a sudden rush now when they were asleep for the past million years.

We all have our own theories about it. I know I have my own.

But I haven’t seen this posted here before:




Link to the Tweet: [https://twitter.com/matthew\_pines/status/1673163923690868736](https://twitter.com/matthew_pines/status/1673163923690868736)


What Matthew Pines posted became even more intresting after what McCarthy said yesterday:



Link to article: [https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4102158-mccarthy-quips-pentagon-would-tell-us-about-ufos-to-request-more-money/](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4102158-mccarthy-quips-pentagon-would-tell-us-about-ufos-to-request-more-money/)


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