July 8, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

DC Long on UAP Podcast – The Best of a Bad Bunch

4 min read


DC Long is ex-army and one of the main testimonies presented at the Disclosure Project in June. His story is the one about Range 19 at Fort Bragg, the floating stone slabs, intimidation tactics after refusing to sign an NDA, and an apparent attempt on his life from a parachute incident.

**My take:** I find him the most believable of the group that testified. He doesn’t embellish his story, you can tell it’s straight from the heart. It’s heart wrenching, you can tell this guy is hurting both mentally and physically.

**BUT…** I was enjoying the discussion and was engaged until he said this at 25:30:

>”the first thing that really struck me was thinking about, you know, the discussion about **how the pyramids were created**. Some heiroglyphs depict things that just can’t be, the equipment, the flying vehicles, the **Annunaki**, the giant people that there (were) conducting this entire operation.

He portrays himself as a good, hard working Southern boy, born and raised, plays it simple, straight shooter, lots of small-town phrases like “if he didn’t earn it, he didn’t want it”, etc. You get this picture in your mind, rightly or wrongly, about the type of guy he is, and then he veers off into Egyptian pyramid mysteries and Sumerian gods. That’s a deep rabbit hole, man, chock full of treasure hunters, grifters and attention junkies. Do you know how many people know what the h.e. double hockey sticks the “Annunaki” are? You talk to 100 people and you might get 5. Him mentioning this makes me think he’s more intune with fantasy and mythology than he lets on.

Maybe I’m being too picky. Perhaps he’s picked that up after the fact, telling people the story that got his mental juices flowing about all sorts of other stuff. I’ll give him a pass on it, because there’s no telling what seeing floating stones would do to my head.

But then he says this at 38:29:

>*”This may sound cheesy, but I’m telling you it’s from the heart. People like you, people like Lieutenant Colonel Donald W Heckert that I met in DC,* ***Eric Hecker****, my good friend Michael Herrera,* ***Dr. Greer****, Emily, I could go through a list of names”*

This… this I just can’t reconcile. By now he’s GOT to know that Greer is poison. I mean, how does Greer not come off in person the same way he does in every single presentation and interview as an arrogant, self-interested blowhard. How does DC Long meet this guy for the first time and go “yeah, I’ll go in with him, he seems like a straight shooter”. Greer is a jacked old snake. And Hecker? Eric Hecker? Not Donald Heckert, he seems like a kindly old fellow coming in on old wings for a soft landing. But Eric Hecker, the Antarctican plumber? The guy who’s apparently part of everthing? He’s a labourer but knows ALL ABOUT green lasers and earthquake machines. The same guy that tells an astonishing tale about transmitters running at 2047 volts each. Utter baloney. I have two electric fly swatters that run at 3kV each. Just go to Wikipedia and look up “fly-killing device”. You don’t measure transmission power in voltage. The NuMi neutrino beam is the most powerful one in the world (that we know of), and it runs at 700 kilowatts. Not voltage… watts. Minor quibble? No, not when you’re presenting information like that. We’re supposed to believe he knows what he’s talking about and then he can’t get basic electronics correct? So they flew that knucklehead to Antarctica and gave him access to secret earthquake weapons and let him go and make a website about it, but DC Long bends down to tie his shoe, refuses to sign an NDA and then gets pushed out of an airplane? One of these sounds possibly legit if you’re protecting top secret tech. The other sounds ludicrous.

Just check out Eric Hecker’s website if you want a trip down crazy lane and you’re short on CBD and looking to buy.

**TL:DR** DC Long *seriously* hurts his credibility by associating with Greer and Hecker, and slipping down a rabbit hole of alien pyramids and Annunaki won’t help his cause either. DC, if you’re reading this… ditch Greer and go with Grusch.

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