July 3, 2024

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

For the people that are convinced that the upcoming hearing will be a disappointment.

2 min read

For the very first time in human history

• you have [someone following the whistleblower complaint procedure claiming all those stuff and aggressively calling out the Director of National Intelligence ,the Secretary of Defense and everyone with clearances to show them the evidence.](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/)


•you have [the inspector general who finds the complaint credible and urgent and forwards it to Congress . (after calling other people that David Grusch mentioned to testify).](https://twitter.com/MvonRen/status/1672713427834359808?s=20)


•You have Rep. Tim Burchett and many other people [vouching](https://twitter.com/timburchett/status/1665712542109384706) for this whistleblower.

Also saying publicly : “Witnesses will be brought in and we will hold hearings on UAPs. It’s time. The American people can handle it”

“These things are coming from somewhere else and this has been covered up since 1947.”

“The government should not hide the truth from us for another second.”


•You have Rep Anna Paulina Luna saying : [” this is a big galaxy that we live in and that there is very likely technology that we are unaware of where it’s come from”](https://www.askapol.com/p/rep-luna-hopes-house-ufo-hearing)


•You have Senator Marco Rubio saying that : [the whistleblowers are credible people and if true , it’s the biggest story in human history.](https://twitter.com/MetaStudioLogic/status/1679143492671668224?s=20)


•You have US Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet saying : [“the public should know if UFOs represent a non-human intelligence because all nations are facing this new reality as one civilization.”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGHAs10vMso&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=TheGoodTroubleShowwithMattFord)


•You have [Ryan Graves in DC](https://twitter.com/SafeAerospace/status/1679173527587504151?s=20)


•You have [Lue Elizondo in DC](https://ibb.co/RbktsdD)


•You have Senator Chuck Shumer saying [that the American public has a right to know about non-human intelligence and not only they work to declassify what the government has previously learned about these phenomena but to create a pipeline for future research to be made public](https://www.newsweek.com/chuck-schumer-declassify-ufo-secrets-jfk-records-1812978).


•You have [UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA DISCLOSURE ACT OF 2023](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf) !!!


•And finally [you have a confirmed date for the hearing](https://twitter.com/RepTimBurchett/status/1680992520895905792?s=20) .


How are you convinced that this will be a disappointment?

We are closer than ever to change human history ,change my mind.

EDIT : Just to be clear, I’m not expecting full disclosure on 26 July lol. What I meant is that this hearing is what I wanted to follow after David Grusch interview. Also I believe that it will bring more investigations, actions and answers.

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