July 8, 2024

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

For the Skeptics

2 min read

I’ve been studying UFO phenomenon since middle school. I’ve always held a healthy dose of skepticism as I found the subject fascinating. I’ve also had a great interest in psychology as people with mental illness can make these claims and may have. After reading ‘Existential Physics’ by Sabine Hossenfelder, it’s opened my mind to more possibilities. I highly recommend this book as it gives simple explanations of complex ideas. David Grusch has made fantastic claims and, yes we need evidence, but let me put this in perspective for folks out there that are skeptic by giving an analogy. My background is power engineering and I’m a professional engineer. I also have a degree in automotive technology. I challenge any skeptic to doubt an engineer when they make any claim. Why wouldn’t you take their word for it. If I gave you a design and told you it was safe and would work. Would you doubt it? Would you look at my credentials before giving credibility to anything say? I’m curious how much credibility is needed to open eyes to this phenomenon. I have seen some very strange things but have never touched, interacted, or been abducted (that I know of!). I’m curious to see what comes from the hearings at the end of the month. I see so much cognitive dissonance I’m wondering if it’s even possible for folks to accept any other world view than what currently exists.

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