July 8, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

If these things are terrestrial, or reverse engineered successfully, why don’t we see them in practical use?

2 min read

Hi! I’m a UAP witness (alongside a group), the broad details of which you can read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/vda56r/comment/icmcbre/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).

One of the takeaways from that experience was just how far anything we had, in terms of the public military technology of the time, was from what I witnessed. There’s just no way traditional munitions would touch one of those things unless it allowed it or malfunctioned. Keep in mind also the timeline of general technological development; my experience was almost three decades ago.

Technology like that represents a complete sea change in military dominance.

‘Others’, possessing such a tech, could control/destroy us (and, if malevolent, surely would have long ago before we’d be annoying about it).

A terrestrial government having such tech could — and, if we assume homo sapiens being a bit less evolved than ‘others’, *would* \– use it to establish clear dominance and assert its desires (or, if more benevolent and isolationist, at least make it clear that warfare against it would not be a practical option).

So….what gives?

There are tons of real-time videos available of current battlefields. Every now and then you get an ‘orb’ or some nebulous sighting, but nothing behaving with direct military intervention and nothing being spoken of significantly by troops. In other words these things do not seem to be being used for engagements, if we have them.

A few explanations seem possible, but I don’t know how I feel about any of them (not in any actual order, just numbering for reference):

1. We may possess NHI tech but we have not successfully reverse-engineered it.
2. We have successfully reverse-engineered NHI tech to some level but the tech is incompatible with traditional ordinance delivery methods; we can zip around (and probably observe), but not much else.
3. We have successfully reverse-engineered NHI tech to some level but are unable to actually engineer more to any reasonable degree, so scaling a fleet isn’t possible.
4. We do not possess or control NHI technology — what we’re seeing isn’t us.
5. There are no NHI with us; somehow the phenomenon is terrestrial/prosaic in nature; this would imply that all the public figures in disclosure are part of a psy-op (knowingly or not) and that direct witnesses (like myself) and experiencers are operating under some kind of misapprehension.
6. My reasoning for the motivations of both/either terrestrial/NHI entities is incorrect; ‘we’ and ‘they’ have tech but aren’t acting on it in publicly meaningful ways for unknown reasons. This might infer:
7. There’s some kind of ‘cold war’ in which our abilities (radar being the main example these days) and theirs stalemate each-other, so active warfare isn’t practical/desired for either side.

What am I missing? Does one option seem more likely than another? What else should be on the table?

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