July 1, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

I’m more certain than ever that Diego Garcia is the place where the UAP/NHIs are located

3 min read

I was commenting on another post earlier regarding the location of hidden craft that cannot be moved and I decided to do a little more digging and thought that this warranted it’s own post. I would be pleased if someone could take this apart and give me reasons why it isn’t.

David Grusch was part of the 3rd Space Experimentation Squadron under the 50th Space Wing which is based at Schriever AFB, Colorado(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd_Test_and_Evaluation_Squadron). 3SES deals with deep space tracking amongst other things. One of the deep space sensors is on Diego Garcia(https://conference.sdo.esoc.esa.int/proceedings/sdc1/paper/5/SDC1-paper5.pdf). Diego Garcia has a large contingent of space operations on the Archipelago. For example, 21 Space Operations Squadron has a detachment there(https://www.schriever.spaceforce.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1215140/diego-garcia-welcomes-new-cc/). It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that David Grusch may have spent some time on Diego Garcia.

NASA also use it as an emergency landing site.

Lockheed Martin have a presence on the Archipelago: https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2017-06-05-Lockheed-Martin-Selected-to-Improve-Energy-Efficiency-at-Federal-Facilities. Although this is 2017, it now gives them an “official” reason for being on DG. They could have been on DG covertly for a number of years, if not decades prior.

It is a known CIA black site meaning that anyone who goes to DG will only have access to places where they need to be and won’t have clearances for restricted areas, such as the locations of UAPs and/or NHI. People working there generally aren’t going to ask too many questions when the CIA are involved and it’s a great cover for anything that will require a higher clearance than knowledge of a CIA black site.

It’s not owned by the US and falls within the U.K. Overseas Territories. They do, however, lease it from the U.K. in its entirety providing plausible deniability for the U.K. government and it is in a vast ocean, miles from prying eyes. The U.K. government forcibly moved the indigenous people, The Chagossians, from DG in the 60s at the request of the US government. https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/02/15/thats-when-nightmare-started/uk-and-us-forced-displacement-chagossians-and

There is a 200 mile ‘environmental’ protection zone which is claimed by the British: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1358820 This link goes further into why DG is a nightmare for anyone wanting to hold either government accountable.

Finally, I was hesitant to add this link but I will add it as it discusses DG and aliens https://youtu.be/sPfqNKBEx5U. I cannot verify the validity of this person.

The above, whilst it is a connection of dots, does seem to allude to DG being the place where a UAP so large, that it cannot be moved may be.

I look forward to discussing this in the comments.

Edit: Changed YouTube link for longer video discussing DG and greys.

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