July 8, 2024

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Is it unironically Iraq or Antartica? Write in the comments which places are hot or warm right now?

2 min read

I think it could unironically be **Iraq**. It just checks all the boxes.

\- The Iraq war itself made no sense. We know it had nothing to do with WMDs or with democracy, even the whole oil stuff i never really believed

\- The cost of the war was enormous (life, wealth, stability, relationship between west and muslims, the start of a cycle of hatred)

\- Bush Jr. and his administration was never brought to justice –> Maybe they know too much?

\- They were obsessed with going into Iraq. They did everything they could and in the end after failing in congress and the UN still went in.

\- The Iraqi parlament decided approx 2 years ago that all american soldiers must leave the country. The US refused. Media in the West ignored it.

Iraq was where back in the day the sumerians lived. Maybe sth. is there? Is there a connection to it? The americans found out that it is there and became scared that the Bath’ party will become aware of it (and will be able to use it?)

What if the bush administration or CIA intercepted MIB communication where the MIB talked about this stuff in raq. The CIA did not know how to interpret it other than it being WMDs? Or they thought lost USSR nuclear stuff ended up in Iraq in third party hands and even Saddam ra was not aware of it? So it potentially also be missinterpretation? I think this is the least likely option bc the MIB would have probably intervened at some point.

Unless the MIB orchestrated the whole thing and used the bush administration (I know that is a huge conspiracy theory. I am just throwing it out there)


**Antaritca** for obvious reasons.

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