July 5, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

Is the Earth basically like the US military installation on Guam?” AKA the implications of confirming a single alien “species

8 min read

Disclaimer: A lot of this is me connecting dots between different things released recently and then looking back into the past to find commonalities that seem oddly specific, I’ve tried to tamp down the crazy factor in all of this but I have to admit my trust of some of the “leaked” stuff might end up making this all useless, so keep that in mind. Also I’m shit at formatting and I rambled a lot, but I think it covers a bunch of individual points I’ve seen on the sub recently and connects them a bit to give a broader view of the situation. This is mostly based on Coulthart’s various related discussions online as well as Grusch’s available statements.

So I checked this stuff out last year after the pilots came forward and did their thing on 60 minutes and thought it was interesting but that I should wait for more info to be released. When Grusch came forward a couple months ago I jumped back into the rabbit hole and now that we know the guy’s record is basically bulletproof — and like Sen. Rubio said either this is real or half the intel community is batshit insane — I don’t consider it a waste of time to dedicate some brain power to thinking about some of these possibilities. These are just some of the things I think are right there but not really being talked about because the initial “holy shit aliens are real” is so large of an idea that it overshadows a bunch of smaller related topics.

**We have alien craft of *various* designs collected over the years.**

This can be explained with that 4chan whistleblower we’ve all seen who claims that the “mothership” (this sounds insane but a huge amount of that post has been all-but-confirmed by Coulthart and Grusch so maybe this is legit as well) creates “custom” drones on the fly for different operations.

This can *also* be explained with a second reasoning, and keep in mind the two are not mutually exclusive (ie could be option 1, option 2, or some combo of both scenarios). The craft could be different because they are from different races/species of aliens. Think about it, if these things are being controlled by an AI or whatever, at some point down the chain something organic had to make it, right? If there are two species of intelligent life (humans and these specific aliens) what’s to say there aren’t a bunch? It would also explain why there are so many different descriptions of the aliens, and how there seem to be a few types consistently reported over other, one time sightings. I read a study published yesterday that claimed the universe could be twice as old as previously thought, by proposing a second effect on photons distorting the red shift of galaxies that we observe from their high speed. 26 billion years is a lot of time for a few species to crop up, and if there are some already here who haven’t destroyed us, they must be indifferent at the worst.

**”Why are we here, just to suffer?”** lol

If there are aliens here with the tech to do what they’re purported to be doing, they could just shoot a bus-sized rock at our planet at relativistic speeds and turn us into Alderaan with relatively little effort on their end. A lot of the military stories are people in nuclear launch sites seeing the weapons malfunction in a way that is pretty much impossible for a redundant system to achieve. Most stories of abductions that aren’t immediately unbelievable seem to have these dudes (weirdly all of the consistent accounts I’ve read never mention female aliens, the ones that do are usually “I had a baby with a hot alien” types of shit so I disregard it) taking bio samples from the abductee and then dropping them off. Also the “radiation stun gun” seems to be a consistent theme with the more plausible sounding stories, and would make sense if all these sightings of flying objects scanning terrain, animals, and people with a laser are true. Lasers are just directed radiation, if they can fry minerals out of a rock without breaking it, why can’t they zap a dude’s brain and knock him out for a bit? I’m not super confident in this one but it at least follows the logic of the more legitimate sounding accounts. It is also a clean unifier for so many of these accounts claiming they passed out multiple times or suffered amnesia, although that may just be me connecting dots that aren’t supposed to be connected.

If they are just watchers or even acting with benevolent intent, this would explain why we seem to have faced minimal aggression from them over the time they’ve been here. Unfortunately, here’s where things get dark/weird so brace yourself…

**Why would they be here just watching?**

There are claims these things have been here for thousands of years. Are we a result of directed evolution? Because if we are, first of all, holy shit, and secondly, again, **why**? I’ll go into that below after listing some other possibilities: (not saying I believe them, just ideas here)

* they’re humans from the future coming back to prevent something from happening/ensuring something happens (“it’s a canon event, bro”) **or**

* they need to witness a particular historical event to see something they didn’t record when it “happened”, and they now need the info in the future

* They are so advanced they only desire knowledge and like watching us fuck around because it’s surprising (we’re in a zoo, but we are not the keepers)

* They have a religion that tells them they need to be helping us, either as a species, or looking for some specific individuals (“my galactic GPS said heaven was here, are you god?”/s)

* They are physically small and frail and pushed humans to some unknown degree to end up bigger and stronger than them, and supposedly still able to interface with their tech (if they can use telepathy or whatever the hell is being claimed, we could possibly be able to receive signals but not send them, like bluetooth headphones lol) so that they can use some of us as soldiers. This brings me to one of my bigger points:

**Is the Earth a satellite military installation to this species in the way Guam is a “forward-base” for the USA?**

I don’t want to spend too much time on the soldier thing but if there are aliens right here, right now, certainly there could be hostile ones that just happen to live farther away than these guys who just got here first. I’m not much of an RTS guy but I’m sure if they have weapons tech, they have some kind of military to go along with it, and would have tactics to match. In a scenario where there *is* a third party adversary, it would make total sense to put drones on some “buffer planets”, if not to use as defense platforms, then for early warning purposes. Quantum entanglement can allow info to be transmitted at ftl speeds, so they could immediately notify the “home planet” of a hostile incursion, giving a good head’s up time. Maybe we’re just like ants, not really involved at all, but if we’re a part of their plans then Earth is basically Walmart-brand Kamino. I find that funny in a messed up way.

The theoretical physics involved in warping spacetime for instantaneous acceleration/braking/inertial dampening if true can be repurposed:

If these craft work by warping a spacetime envelope around the craft to travel, then a lot of these things about the “bigger on the inside” craft make sense as well, because that would seemingly be possible through the same spacetime dilation mechanism at play. The account of the guy who went into this specific craft supposedly felt like he was in there for minutes but was really in there for several hours. If gravity were manipulated in such a way that this “magic room” could exist, time would almost certainly be passing faster on the outside due to the massive gravity involved.

A final thing to think about: Why the urgency?

From publicly released info in the news on the “feds vs Trump re: the classified documents incident”, I noticed that some of the docs are SCI level classification, specifically under the Atomic Energy Act aka the bill that these senators are now claiming was used overbroadly to classify the NHI info. I think there is a legitimate chance, if the prosecutor is correct in alleging that Trump kind of just grabbed the “shiniest shit” in the room, that they may have discovered that he actually took some of the alien stuff. If you recall from earlier in this legal proceeding, when they initially did the FBI raid on Mar a Lago, they recovered docs that they didn’t have the clearance to read, and **specifically had to call a team of people with special access designations to look through it all. This UAP bill specifically calls for a team of people with special access designations to look through all of the recovered UAP info.**

Might be a coincidence but this may be the funniest fuck up of all time if we got disclosure because a guy wanted to have some cool shit in his house to show to his friends.

I can’t tie this down (nor would I want to) but I’ve seen like 5-4 accounts from the ’50s up to recently mentioning 2025 as some catastrophic event, not sure what to make of it but weird it’s always the same year.

The thing that pushed me into really considering this stuff was when I recently remembered that about a decade ago I was seeing a therapist who was a vet and claimed he worked at a missile silo as a guard. He told me weird shit happened and I messaged him and then had a phone call later (happened last week) where he said specifically there were 2 events in the early ’80s where the power went off in the station and the nukes looked like they automatically armed themselves, after about 20 seconds everything returned to normal and later he heard people by the entrance said “something” was above them which he took to mean a craft of some kind. He said it happened twice in a year before he transferred out, both events almost the exact same length and “system errors”, both times a craft was seen overhead. Then yesterday I saw that 1994 TV clip of the Russian general who said the exact same shit happened: 20 seconds of power failure with the nukes “arming themselves”. My old therapist said they always thought it was the Russians, and this Russian guy says they always thought it was the Americans.

Please remember this is all conjecture, and only like 10% of it is my actual opinion, the rest is me fleshing out other possibilities.

If you actually read all that and want some sources let me know, most of the stuff referenced is still on this front page in some way or another.

Feel free to add your thoughts, pick it apart, etc. I want more discussion about the future implications of contact, it seems a lot of people are super hung up on initial disclosure that they’re missing the bigger picture.

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