July 3, 2024

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

It’s time for other nations to step up!

2 min read

The US is leading disclosure and I find it disappointing that other nations seem ok with leading from behind, or not leading at all. Although it is clear that most nations are taking a wait and see approach, (maybe this is what the US wants/dictates), the fact is that disclosure impacts all humanity and consistent messaging from multiple nations would add credibility to the process.

Take Canada for instance….

1 – Member of Five Eyes who has recently been briefed on UFOs/UAPs by the US.

2 – Member of NATO.

3 – Member of NORAD. Note that the DEW Line and Pinetree line of radar stations in Canada were operated by NORAD between the 1950s and 1990s. Although these are now outdated and their stated purpose was for the detection of Soviet forces in the event of an air/land/sea invasion, if those radar stations detected anything else, Canada would have been aware. Also keep in mind that this capability was replaced with something more effective.

4 – The Prime Minister of Canada recently claimed to have ordered an F-22 to shoot down a UFO in Canadian airspace. (Yukon, February 11th, 2023) No, Canada does not have F-22’s, the PM was only involved due to NORAD and the fact that Canada does not have sufficient equipment. (Which is embarrassing.) Canada is unwilling to show a photo of what was shot down and claim to have not found anything in the one week search for wreckage. Canada was also involved in the search for wreckage of the UFO shot down in Lake Huron not far from Bruce Nuclear Power Plant. (Largest operating nuclear power plant in North America, and the 4th largest in the world.) Again, after looking for about a week, they claim to have not found anything, stopped looking, and won’t release a picture of what they claimed to have shot down.

5 – Canada shares the longest undefended border in the world with the US and is the US’s largest trading partner.

6 – A recent leaked letter from a Member of Parliment, Larry Maguire, to the Minister of National Defence pressing for a communication plan regarding disclosure is the most pressure I have seen from Canadian politicians on this topic. (Note that the Defense Minister’s response to the letter was that Canada does not and has never had possesion of UAP materials and stopped studying UAPs in the 1960’s.) It appears Canada’s approach is to refer this back to NORAD/US.

For something this important, I would expect people would like to have their governments, (who are supposed to represent the people’s interests), at the table with the people seriously involved with this issue.

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