July 8, 2024

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John Kirby Says UFOs Causing ‘Real Impact’ to U.S. Air Force Training: ‘There’s Something Our Pilots Are Seeing’

1 min read

From the article:

“National Security Council Coordinator and spokesman [**John Kirby**](https://www.mediaite.com/tag/john-kirby/) admitted that UFOs and UAPs are beginning to cause problems for the U.S. Air Force.

During the Monday White House press briefing, Kirby was asked by NewsNation’s **Blake Burman** if increased sightings of unexplained flying objects are a “legitimate issue” for the administration.

“Yeah, I mean, we wouldn’t have stood up an organization at the Pentagon to analyze and try to collect and coordinate the way these sightings are reported if we didn’t take it seriously,” Kirby replied likely referencing the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) — a group aimed at analyzing and cataloging unidentified phenomena.”

We’ve obviously known for a while that the military was encounter more UAPs than usual but what’s new seems to be an admission that it’s becoming an even bigger issue for the military.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around what the possible reason(s) could be for the increase in sightings, is the government being pressured to disclose more? I say this because they seem to be target of most of the increased activity. Your thoughts are welcome.


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