July 8, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

LARP or not: EBO Scientist Post was good.

1 min read

So this post is not a comment on the highly technical biological information provided in the original viral post. This is a comment on how, if it is a LARP, it had a positive effect, aside from the back-and-forth on its own validity; if it wasn’t a LARP, then that scientist really did us all a favour by shining a light on something most people had forgotten.

Now, to my main point; I like all of us was more or less dazzled by the detail in that post and importantly, it communicated a clear picture of just how powerful an entity Battelle might be in this whole UFO conspiracy. I think this is undeniable since very soon after we had posts in r/aliens showing how ppl were now harassing Battelle via any and every social media available.

Further, the post brought back memories of Vallee’s and Fox’s appearance on JRE where Battelle was first mentioned as the entity that outranked c i a in these matters.

These 2 consequences of the post imo make this LARP forgiveable since now “Battelle” is firmly embedded in our consciousness.

Thanks for reading.

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