July 8, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

My Experience: 2 Lights right behind my car in the middle of the night that i could not shake off or make sense of

5 min read

I apologize for any spelling errors – english is not my mother language.

TL;DR: In the middle of the night on a pitch black road suddenly two light appeared behind my car that i could not make sense of. I was unable to wake up my friends and panicked until i decided to ignore it and pretend its not there. The memory of the incident came back when i read witness accounts in ross coultharts “in plain sight”.


In the past 3 years i started to get really interested into the whole UAP thing and read some books and witness accounts. While reading “in plain sight” by coulthart one story freaked me out because it suddenly reminded me of something that happened to me many years ago (around 2006) and i had forgotten about it ever since. Back then i did not interpret it as a UAP-encounter and until today i am not sure what i saw.

So around 2006 i was driving with 3 friends from the south of germany towards Bordeaux (France) to go on a surfing holiday in the small coast town of Lacanau. We decided to drive through the night in order to avoid most of the traffic. This is an eleven hours drive and I switched with one of the guys as drivers since the others didnt have a licence. The event happened in the middle of the night (it must have been sometime around 3 a.m.) and by this point i was super tired and already had several coffee and energy drinks to keep me awake (so there is a slight possibility that in this state i hallucinated something?). There was no alcohol or drugs involved. At some point in the night the 2nd driver refused to switch with me because he was too tired but i continued to drive anyway and looking back this was a bit dangerous because i was too tired.

So now we are driving in the middle of the night on a small road next to a forest in pitch black (no streetlights) and with absolutely no traffic at this time of the night. From time to time we are talking but everyone is tired and bored. Suddenly i notice what i thought was another car that i didnt see coming and that was dangerously close to the back of our car (maybe 30 – 50 cm / 11 – 19 inches), so i immediately hit the gas to get away from this lunatic. I look back in the mirror and the proximity has not changed at all. I started to question what i am seeing because on a closer look i cannot see the body of another car, just the headlights. So i test what happens if i hit the breaks just a tiny bit while watching the lights in the back mirror. To my surprise the light do not get closer while tipping on the break, it seems like they are part of the car itself. My next thought was “you are tired and had lots of coffeine, this must be a reflection of some light and you are to tired to understand it”. So i ask my friends whether they could please tell me what i am seeing behind us. I get no response and ask them a second time before realizing that everyone is asleep. I was surprised because they didnt at least wake up but I hestitated to scream at them because (being around 20 years old back then) i was afraid of being made fun of being the idiot that panicked from a simple reflection. So at this point this thing becomes very scary to me and my heart is racing because i just cannot understand which light should be reflected in my back window since my own car lights are the only lights that are present. Also turning my head back and looking a these 2 lights right through the back window, i am having trouble to make out what exactly i am seeing. The edges of the lights were kind of not clear or fuzzy and i just cannot make sense of what i am seeing. Also since i am now alone (with 3 sleeping guys) in the middle of the night on a road close to forest, i feel scared like in a horror movie scenario. Back then the term “UFO” did not cross my mind. I remember being freaked out and trying to make sense of it for a while and then making the conscious decision to ignore the lights in order to not get more freaked out. I though it must be a reflection or have another mundane explanation and if i just pretend its not there, i will calm down. Apparently the strategy was a success because the next thing i remember is being surprised by the lights of a gas station on a road crossing a few hundred meters away. I felt like coming out of a dream and i immediately looked back for the lights and they were gone.

So of course i drove to the gas station to take a break, get some more coffee and wake up my friends. I decided against telling my friends what happened because i was again afraid to be rediculed and I had the self-image of being a “scientific person” that does not believe in ghost or whatnot. The memory still haunted my for a few days but than vanished as something of no importance. Until i read ross coultharts book a year ago: There is the story of a little girl that sees lights in the middle of the night while going to the outside toilet on there farm. The description resemble what i saw and then she is unable to wake up anyone else a the farm she is living even though she is screaming at the other people. This is the moment my memory comes back: the feeling of not being able to wake up the others. I countinued to read sightings accounts of fighter pilots being followed by lights that they could not shake off by flight maneuvers and that seemed to be just like a part of their plane reminded me of my experience as well.

Thanks for reading this and i would be grateful if you could give me your thoughts on my experience and maybe point me towards witness accounts that resemble what i saw.

To be clear: I do not have an explanation for what i saw and i am open to the idea that excess consume of caffeine + tiredness made me hallucinate. However i am sceptical that caffeine can cause suche a thing and i can assure you that at the time i noticed the lights i was suddendly wide awake and in panic mode.


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