July 5, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

My UFO experience I can never tell anyone seriously. (Lighthearted Tale)

3 min read

Decided to share my UFO experience here because I’m afraid anyone other than the 3 of us present the night it happened would brush it off for one solid reason that will become apparent here shortly.

(Sorry for any typos or rough formatting, typing this on my phone while waiting for a flight.)

It’s June 2013, Grand Rapids Michigan. A buddy and myself decide were going to drop some acid (here’s the credibilty problem lmao just wait though).
We pick a day and a location, it was a typical summer weekend as far as I remember and we decided to go to a place we called “Narnia”.
It was a favorite pot smoking spot of ours as it was secluded and out in some nice quiet nature.

To get there you had to park at this church, take a stroll through this woodline and it would open up in to this huge field with an abandoned gravel dig site all surrounded by woods.
We’d chill in the trees and smoke then go adventure in the huge rock and sand piles in the abandoned gravel pit looking for cool stones or whatever.

So this day we head out there, drop our tabs of acid (one each), smoke a bit, listen to music and just chill. We were out there exploring for the majority of the day and were on the “come down” of our trip.

Sunset was maybe 30 minutes away so we were hyped, anyone who has tripped will understand haha
We get a call from our friend and she says she’s headed out to meet up with us to hangout, we’d chill at Narnia for the sunset then go get food.

So she arrives and meets us at the gravel pit, by this time the sun is fully set and it’s just the light of the moon and stars above us illuminating the path back to the church.
Before we hit the treeline we had to cross through to get to the church all three of us see this red orb coming directly over the trees towards us dead ahead, it wasn’t that high up, maybe 75-100ft or so.
It continued on a straight path at a steady speed until it was directly over us, at this point I could see it pretty clearly.

So here’s where the funny kinda shitty part comes in.. I’m currently on a come down from LSD.. anyone who knows or has experience tripping knows that on lower doses, or even just in general, you’re not going to just see non-existent stuff pop in front of you like dragons or whatever.
LSD just amplifies or energizes the appearance of physical things you are already looking at. So I fully believe this thing is a physical object here in front of me.

It looked like a red hot Iron ball, it literally looked just like those “1 billion degree red hot ball vs soap” or whatever videos on YT.
I saw it (on lsd) my buddy saw it (on lsd) and our friend (stone cold sober) saw it.
As it came over top of us it made a 90 degree turn to our right and fucking WENT straight off in to the distance. It moved soo fast away from us the red glow it gave off disappeared in roughly a second I would say.

All 3 of us feel like we saw something special that night, and all 3 of us only ever talk about it with eachother. I mean who would believe that shit given the context??

Anyways, hope y’all enjoyed this slightly more funny/lighthearted tale of mine. Kinda been something I’ve held on to for a while that I honestly just find hilarious.
It’s fun having a special experience like that though with some close friends.
Kinda sucks all credibilty goes out the window once people know you were on something. We didn’t get any pics either, the whole event lasted maybe 10 seconds.
Either way our one sober friend also saw it and described it exactly as we saw it so my buddy and I could kind of relax knowing we weren’t completely crazy.

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