July 8, 2024

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

Prediction/bingo card time! What are your predictions for next week hearings (not their aftermath)? The most boring to the craziest?

1 min read

Boring one: DOD IG shows up: “sorry, it’s ours, should’ve told you guys”.

Interesting one: Grusch answers every question with “I’ve already provided the documented evidence to the appropriate Committees”.

Cameo: Obama is among the whistle-blowers.

Men in black : Ricky Gervais demonstrate that he’s an alien.

Independence Day one: Tic tac shows up when everyone’s seated, time for the crew outside to take a good look, then vaporise the whole building. Message is clear: “we exist, now you know, but we don’t want you to know who we are; don’t even try”

Bonus point: drink every time someone says “non-human”

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