July 8, 2024

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

Ready for UFOGPT? Isaac Koi’s AI combs through transcripts of thousands of UFO podcasts. Saves us all a lot of time, and gives it away for free.

2 min read

Having trouble finding that last Lue breadcrumb? Need to Know what Coulthart said about time travelling humans?

UFOlogist / information goldmine Isaac Koi says on his blog that he has updated and improved his AI scraping podcasts, and some of the transcripts are online for free: [https://isaackoiup.blogspot.com/2023/07/ai-assisted-ufology-has-begun-ufo.html](https://isaackoiup.blogspot.com/2023/07/ai-assisted-ufology-has-begun-ufo.html)

He says that “In April 2023, [I created a new toy to share with the UFO community : “Jenny” ](https://isaackoidata.blogspot.com/2023/04/)(named after UFO researcher Jenny Randles). I think “Jenny” was the first Chatbot focused on UFOs that used GPT to answer questions and summarise information to assist with UFO research and investigations. The transcripts created using code developed by AI could be used as part of the training material for the next generation of UFO chatbots”

According to Koi, “In [2019-2020, it took me about 7 \_months\_ to create 2 million pages of transcripts](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1255810/pg1) of UFO podcasts. In 2023, creating **4 million** pages has taken about ***7 \_days***” and the transcripts are of better quality.

He gets into a lot of the coding and whatnot on his blog, if that is your thing.

You can use Jenny at [https://ora.sh/isaackoi/jenny](https://ora.sh/isaackoi/jenny)

The transcripts are here: [https://files.afu.se/Downloads/?dir=.%2FTranscripts](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/?dir=.%2FTranscripts)

His other files are here, also free: [https://files.afu.se/Downloads/](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/) (great resource)


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