July 8, 2024

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Reasons why it is most likely civilization(s) from another dimension

4 min read

1. Wouldn’t this explain why they can use craft that operates under completly **different physical laws** in our dimension and universe. Wouldn’t this explain why a lot of information points to those aliens, especially greys not being the actual species themselves but just **directly or indirectly controlled Avatars**. Maybe they are **physically not able to enter into our realm**. If their brains work different than ours, it should also be **impossible to them to enter into our realm mentally**. On a quantum level consciousness also needs neurons and certain physical particles. Maybe they have other particles that cannot exist or operate in our world.
2. Also this could explain that ,,people got just hurt looking at this stuff”. If they are from our dimension and our universe would they not have the same elements as we have. But we always hear about them having **different metals and materials**.
3. This could explain why it could be **hard, impossible or forbidden for them to communicate with us**. Maybe the way they communicate is way more complicated. If they live in the 5th dimension and see into the 6th dimension than they could have a clearer version of what reality is and maybe a closer connection to the only creator. It could be that they **failed to communicate** with us multiple times in the past but have had bad experience, like people getting scared, attacking or starting to worship them. So their level of communication in combination with their level of intelligence and wisdom **could just make it impossible**. The same as if we would try to communicate with an Ant. It could also be that they ignore us because it is **forbidden in their realm to interact with us.** In religions like in Islam it is forbidden to contact Jinns from the other dimension(s) eventho it is known in Islam that Jinns can be Atheist, Christian, Jews and even Muslims. So in Islam Jinns can be good and evil. Jinns in Islam are different to angels and devils. Maybe they are just meant to describe non-human sentients from other dimension(s). So muslim humans and most likely also muslim Jinns are not allowed to interact with each other. Can someone here who is cristian tell me how it is in christianity? Maybe there are similarities. In all abrahamic religions demons/jinns can posess people. I wonder if that means they took over a human as Avatar? Would this explain Poltergeists and Ghosts (shadows of the other dimension)
4. Maybe not all the *cloaking* is actual cloaking. But they are naturally hidden in their dimension the whole time but what we see is **just a thrown shadow or visual or actual effect that is projected into our world.** They could use a certain technology or do certain maneuvers (that maybe creates multiple little tesseracts?) that makes them **become part of our dimension for a certain timeframe.** Or at least creates a **visualization** **of whatever they are doing in their dimension** (this could explain defying our laws and moving though objects like walls and water). But all of this could create basically a window that connects our world to theirs for a moment. Or lets imagine they make a certain maneuver with a certain technology in their world that lets them go faster or higher or move through time or through space or impact another factor that we are not familiar with. Maybe by using that they have to go through our dimension and than they themselves become part of that dimension for the timeframe we see them.
1. I could imagine this having to do with using **gravity and manipulating spacetime**. I think they do not use normal crafts but crafts designed specifically for this purpose. Time also flows in our dimension differently and every second they would be here, would impact the age difference they have with their people at home. It could potentially also age them faster too.
2. Maybe fibration because i heard that the dimensions could be seperated from each other because we **fibrate on a different frequency**. You are basically surrounded by atoms and other unknown stuff that connects to each other. But you fibrate at a certain level that lets you just interact with stuff that fibrates on your frequency. And so on.

Michio Kaku explains in one of his videos that a lot of the universe is made out of dark matter and that we can not see it but it influences gravity. he things that could be stuff in other dimensions that basically appears in our world as dark matter.

I also have another theory that most those advanced civilizations (and i use plural because that is what most leaks indicate) do not even belong to the same collective. And i have the feeling that apart from the greys they all just pass by. If we look at the most authentic footages, they look like they belong to complely different civilizations. This all makes be believe that there is a certain technology or action in their world(s) that uses gravity or fibration. They do this to manipulate strenght, speed, age or another unknown factor to have an advatage in their world or maybe even to just hide in ours for a certain time. And i think that they can coordinate it from their world and see that they will move through a 4d dimension with our atmosphere (maybe it is similiar to theirs?). Maybe their equivalent of a planet is right here at our planet and both our and their planets are connected to each other through gravity.

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