July 5, 2024

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Solar-centric technosignatures

2 min read


[\\”Phenomenon #2\\” from The NASA Secret Space Transmissions](https://preview.redd.it/v43cjxc31ycb1.jpg?width=2319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8133f2b5ff15dc89f243df5b5ec05ef7c9fe4f37)

Martyn Stubbs’ captures of the shuttle mission CCD camera downlink feed in the 1990s yielded what he calls “phenomenon #2” – objects that are not visible to the human eye and that only show up for a single frame. He explains in NASA Secret Space Transmissions: The Smoking Gun how he split the captures of CCD footage into different fields, breaking 60 frames per second down to two fields of 30 each. It was a single frame in one of these fields where multiple objects revealed themselves in Stubbs’ thousands of hours of footage. There’s also “phenomenon #3” which is the old fashioned spheres moving in curved patterns and indicating interest in human activities visible in a lot of the footage as well. (For the record, he referred to phenomenon #1 as what we observe from/on Earth in the sky, ground, water etc).

Which brings me to…


[Mass formation solar-centric technosignatures recorded 11\/27\/2008 – LOOK BENEATH THE SUN](https://preview.redd.it/lxgzw4771ycb1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=036ec5b3bd2c537be7064a7cd05f36a60eb537d0)


I present to you an edit of David Toon’s “Solar-centric Technosignatures” presentation. I removed superfluous chatter/segments including an alleged video of the T3RB (I don’t think it’s relevant.)

I posit that the anomalies Toon identifies in this video are of the same kind as what Stubbs found. He uses LMSAL (Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory) software among others to browse sensor imagery captured by satellites that are in far-earth orbit pointed at the sun. Instead of referring to these (MANY) images as phenomenon, he uses the vernacular of NASA astrobiologists and calls them technosignatures. The image above is a great example. What he’s found is terrifying IMHO. If you are at all familiar with secret space program theory, this is all starting to make way too much sense.

(if you find this as intriguing as I do, the image database where you can find many other examples like the one above for free is available at [https://solarsuspicions.com](https://solarsuspicions.com))

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