July 1, 2024

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The Reason Behind the UFO Hearings: How the White House is Using Them to Break the Silence on The Phenomenon

3 min read

This topic was catapulted after the NYT 2017 article. But it wasn’t necessarily because of what was said in it, But rather from where this news was published. Being reported by one of the most respected newspapers in the world legitimized the issue and essentially created a **’political cover**’ to allow Congress and the media to engage with this topic without fearing ridicule.

**The main purpose of the upcoming hearings, Is to provide the ‘political cover’ for the white house and the president of the united states to begin directly engaging this subject.**

The white house and national security council will not politically jeopardize the president or anyone close to him by engaging with such a fringe subject just because a former intelligence officer made some claims on an obscure news station (no pun intended), Or because some secret senate hearings took place which 99% of the population don’t know about. That’s not how it works. And this is coming from someone who is fully on board with David Grusch’s revelations.

While you and I are most worried about the philosophical, technological, and geopolitical implications. The white house is also worrying about the elections optics, How it will affect the president’s polling?, Will the ridiculing nature of this topic be used against the president by one of his political opponents?.

To prove this, Look at the Disclosure Amendment by chuck schumer, Where it gave the president duties and power regarding UFOs disclosure, Does anyone in their right mind think that the democratic senate majority leader did not consult with the aides of his Democratic president before splattering him all over a UFO legislation?, Of course not. ‘The Liberation Times’ also confirmed that the white house and National security council took part in drafting this language.

So how come the white house was aware and took part in writing this absolutely bonkers piece of legislation that even defined what non-human intelligence is, but at the same time deliberately avoiding engaging with the subject directly, And passing any questions related to it to the DOD?

I believe this discrepancy and contradicting attitude from the white house is because there isn’t yet adequate ‘political cover’ for the highest office in the land to start engaging with this. They need something much more official to first happen so they can piggyback on, And congressional hearings are as official as it gets.

While I don’t expect them to jump on this after the House oversight hearing. However during the subsequent ones, Especially after the inevitable Senate hearings. The white house will probably give the green light for the president and his aides to start covering this.

Sorry to break the expectations bubble. But you’ll never get any high-quality UFO evidence in any hearing. The better the evidence the higher classification level it’ll have. The main declassification power comes from the executive branch, including the Pentagon and most importantly the president. If the president doesn’t directly get involved, Forget about seeing any decent evidence in the public sphere.

This is why I roll my eyes when I see people complaining about witnesses or what was shown or wasn’t shown in a hearing. They completely miss the grand picture and the political nuance of what’s really important about having these hearings.

I believe that the final objective is after multiple widely publicized hearings, The president will directly address this along the lines of :

“We’ve been hearing many credible and concerning claims in hearings, And I promise you as that as the president I will get to the bottom of this and be transparent with the public”

Or Something else. along these lines. He’ll refer to the UFO disclosure legislation that he helped build and will also use the disclosure promises as a campaign slogan for the next elections.

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