July 8, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

“Time Constraint” = David Grusch

3 min read

**TLDR**; Congress is acting with urgency because they are concerned for the safety of whistleblowers

By now, anyone visiting these UAP-based subs in the last 24-hrs has seen plenty of chatter about Ross Coulthart’s “time constraint” comments on “Need to Know.”

The first few posts highlighting this comment showed video of Bryce Zabel expressing a concern, akin to “Why the sudden apparent rush to disclose? I feel like that is a bad sign.” (paraphrased)

To which Ross replies, “There is a time constraint.” **<end of video clip>**

[**But if you watch the entire exchange**](https://youtu.be/F_0bi1bLHKo?t=847)**,** Ross admits there is a time constraint to consider but almost immediately goes into complaints about how the mainstream media is not doing a thorough job reporting on this. He even specifically goes onto say how the NYT (who recently *did* cover the Schumer amendment) did not even mention David Grusch by name. This is an important detail I will come back to later.

Suppose Ross *is* aware of a serious threat, some world-shattering event about to take place which many commenters seem to be including in their speculation

**Question for the reader here:** do you think Coulthart takes that apparent deep-level of concern of Zabel’s and decides it would be a good time to complain (once again) about how the mainstream media is not covering this adequately?

I say “No.” At least not on face value.

**Unless he is concerned for whistle-blower safety** \- and knows the United States Government is aware of credible threats of safety towards people like David Grusch.

The name “David Grusch” not getting the mainstream media traction Coulthart believes it should, and Coulthart ([later in the video](https://youtu.be/F_0bi1bLHKo?t=1548)) goes on to say the following regarding what Grusch *may* say during the upcoming public hearing:

>”So I think what we are going to see is Mr. Grusch giving evidence in the public hearing, a lot of which will probably be a restatement and a reaffirmation of a lot of what he told me in my interview about bodies, but also, think about it… imagine if they ask,
>***”Mr. Grusch, you told Ross Coulthart in an interview with NewsNation ‘people have been murdered to protect the secret’ – who? Who was murdered?”***
>**”And Mr. Grusch is prepared to start giving evidence** about that point. This is why they’re panicking. What we are talking about here is criminal activity. And this is why I actually am shocked – I’m really shocked that papers like the New York Times, The Washington Post, major TV networks … this has been largely ignored. This is momentous. We are now looking at what is very possibly going to be the biggest story in human history unfolding in the Congress in no less than a couple of weeks.”

Believe his story or not, but Bob Lazar is another (in)famous whistleblower on the topic of UAP who has made the claims that he decided to go public with his story because he felt as if his life was in jeopardy and the only way to safety was to shine a big spotlight on what he knew and who he was. He believed he was less likely to meet an “untimely” demise if he made himself into a public figure and his name “got out there.”

Perhaps Grusch (and internal allies of his) said “go public to protect yourself so your names gets out there” but then the mainstream media offered a collective “ehh.” Now Grusch feels like he is left out in the cold, still potentially in the same amount of danger he was in before the Debrief article / NewsNation interview, or perhaps even more.

If the above speculation is true, and Ross’ “time constraint” is not because there a pending seismic event about to take place which could toss our world into chaos, perhaps it all relates to him being aware that the United States Government is

**1)** quickly coming around to the idea that UAP are real; and

**2)** there are indeed bad-actors that would do whistleblowers harm if they could get away with it.

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