July 5, 2024

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

Truth Hiding in plain sight? Image from National Air and Space Museum. Apollo 17

1 min read




Source: [https://airandspace.si.edu/multimedia-gallery/5311hjpg](https://airandspace.si.edu/multimedia-gallery/5311hjpg)


Found this on 4chan. by anonymous. Zoom into picture on the right side, just above the mountain range. Three blue lights can be seen at default brightness. Increasing the light balance of the photo makes the lights unmistakable. Has this been discussed before? Is photographic proof really just hiding in plain sight?


Fun fact: if you increase the light balance of the picture to 500-1000% the stars in the sky become visible. This camera that took these pictures was clearly very nice and well calibrated.


~~EDIT: ding ding ding. I think we have a winner. I’d recommend everyone please see~~ /u/blazespinnaker ~~post. He found another picture (from Apollo 11) that closely matches the object found in this picture. Based off his post id say it is more reasonable to assume what we see here is the Command and Service Module.~~

~~THE “UAP” IS NOT STARS NOR ARTIFACTS. Disarm your skepticism. Some UAPs are real, most are explainable. That is all. Thanks.~~

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