July 5, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

What about Europe?

1 min read

Well, this post is directed especially to Europeans like me, although it is obviously not excluding other opinions, who see how the United States seems to have decided to ride the bull while our continent seems to ignore it. I mean, if we look at the mainstream press Europe in general with the European Union in particular, seems to present itself as defender of the citizen standing up to multinationals, banning the use of harmful pesticides, etc… but we start talking about the “phenomenon” and suddenly there is not a shred of interest, in fact I don’t even remember a European politician mentioning the issue at some point.


I understand that we have a military conflict in the neighborhood or that the economic outlook looks bleak, but is it really smart to let only one country drive the narrative? Maybe because of population density these phenomena have happened so little here that we hardly know anything? Is it really true that the USA somehow managed to monopolize all technology while no one in Europe was wondering anything or is there really a NATO type council that meets and plans everything?


I can only say that just as I am amazed by the open way in which the USA is dealing with the subject I am amazed by the null interest of Europe in it, I await your opinions.

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