July 3, 2024

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

What is there to actually disclose?

1 min read

Most folks on this board are acting like disclosure is going to be world changing. But as Carl Sagan said, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” – do we actually think we’re getting extraordinary evidence? Most seem to think so, but I think disclosure is instead going to be along the lines of, “We saw something we can’t explain”. Maybe pushing out to “We have stuff we can’t explain”. So…..what?

There’s tons of things we can’t explain, but in a world where people actually believe the world is flat and has been an active conspiracy for thousands of years, or that the moon landing was faked with computers and software that didn’t exist back then, will people really be swayed en masse by anything shown?

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