July 3, 2024

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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

Why we probably won’t see the craft and bodies for a few years

2 min read

Nolan’s speech at iSalt obviously brought the disclosure campaign to a new level, but if you look at the lay of the landscape, there are now numerous projects in the works that will likely produce concrete evidence of anomalies. We have:

1) NASA project led by David Spergel
2) UN project titan
3) SCU, the scientific coalition for UAP studies
4) sky360, a citizen science project which is not independent from the other groups
5) Project Galileo at Harvard
6) At least 3 experiments run by nolan and TTSA that will produce materials evidence (council bluffs sample, ubatuba magnesium sample, and the biz/mag arts parts sample)

These projects all have a couple of years timeline to collect data and produce anything useful. I seriously can’t see this careful campaign jumping the gun.

There are 2 mechanisms to the coverup:

1) Self invalidation. That is, release some real info, mix in some bullshit, and then have an authority debunk the bullshit. As Ben Rich said, there are charlatans on both the skeptic and believer side.

2) Lawyerly language. This is detailed in Jacques Vallee’s the best kept secret, and its basically that you have to be very very careful how you word your question. For example, obama goes on a talk show and says “is there a lab somewhere where they have bodies and the craft? no.” well he’s not lying cause they are probably in separate labs.

Remember: this is a curated campaign. Any purported conflict within the pentagon that is dramatized in the media is likely FAKE. Real disagreements would not be televised on Fox.

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