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UAP Radar – Your source for UAP news.

Why you should avoid Steven Greer

6 min read

The recent pace of information coming to the surface is attracting a lot of new eyes to the topic of UFO/UAP, as it rightly should. During this momentous time it is crucial to keep your attention focused on the right areas.

For decades the topic of ufology has been dominated by a small group of voices trying to capitalise on an all but stagnant area of inquiry. Now is the time for some of those voices to be left behind and top of that list is Steven Gr(ift)eer

People have asked, why? So here are some of the main points.


It’s irrelevant and only speaks to his ego.

Steven Greer received his MD degree from the James H. Quillen College of Medicine of East Tennessee State University in 1987. He received his Virginia medical license in 1989, worked as an emergency room physician, and in 1998 retired. Since he is retired and out of practice for 25+ years, his doctorate only serves as a record of his past education in medicine. His insistence on using the term presents a glaring red flag psychologically. It is his way to fake credibility in ufology. Education is not an indicator of intelligence. It only serves as an indicator of concentration on a given subject. In this case, medicine, which holds no bearing to any area of ufology that Steven Greer surrounds himself with.

Steven Greer’s insistence on being referred to as Dr. would be like Lue insisting people only refer to him as Mr. Elizondo.


Steven Greer has released multiple self-produced documentaries in which he places himself as the main witness, giving himself the most screen time to discuss nothing but uncorroborated anecdotes with no credible evidence. If he gave the screen time to experts and genuine witnesses while maybe narrating himself, it would make his films more believable. But instead, again, the ego rears its head. I particularly “enjoyed” his account of the conversation between the admiral and the alien. It was straight from the mind of an excited child: “WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?” “A new world if you want it” or some garbage along those lines.

He rapidly flip-flops between tearful anguish and smiling excitement, clearly presenting a manic mental state. Let’s not forget the embarrassing events with the poor child’s skeleton, which he put forward as alien remains, producing an entire film around it, only for it to be proven as an unfortunately deformed human baby as soon as an impartial test was conducted.

But who cares about vetting before releasing a film as fact, right?


Steven Greer has claimed that he “briefed,” among others, Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey in 1993 about the UFO phenomenon. Even going as far as putting these claims to print in the introduction to his 1999 book “Extraterrestrial Contact: The evidence and implications.” This again is a lie. In a signed response, DCI Woolsey, along with others, stated:

“It has come to the attention of the four of us that you have, without giving any of us the opportunity to comment, published a distorted account of a dinner party of some 6 years ago at which the four of us, you, and your wife were seated together.”

“In the introduction to your book, published earlier this year, you portray this dinner party conversation during which the four of us listened to your views and politely asked questions as a ‘briefing’ with a ‘cover story.’ You further assert that Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey reported a UFO sighting to you and agreed with your views. You include specific alleged quotations from them. None of this is accurate. You have portrayed politeness as acquaintance and questions as affirmation. Your conduct in this matter contravenes both accuracy and simple manners.”

This has been the reported case many times. Steven Greer likes to corner officials at public events, chew their ear off about UFOs to stunned polite nods, then report these instances as “official briefings” to his followers.


In a video posted by Steven Greer, of an event on January 27, 2015, Greer’s expedition claimed to have summoned two UFOs using his “CE5 Protocols,” which you can learn too, again by paying. He conveniently was able to inform the now $2500 lighter guests that the UFOs were about to appear. As he does this, he scolds one of the guests and tells them to put their night scope away and not to use any infrared. God forbid they try to get a closer look.

Cut to Steven Greer reaching for HIS night scope, saying:

“I’m looking with the night scopes. There’s no smoke. There’s no trails. These are not flares.”

I guess it checks out that the organizer of the event and the only person allowed to view these “not flares” through a night scope would confirm that all is normal through the scope, and they are definitely, honestly not flares. But you can’t have a look. Just trust me. I wouldn’t lie, I’m a DR!

The video description says:

“There were NO boats or ships seen anywhere in the area of the objects, and there were no jets or planes or other airborne objects anywhere near the objects before, during, or after the event.”

This, again, is a lie. Flight tracking data says at 9:11 p.m. on Jan. 27, 2015, a Beech 76 Duchess registered N110SU was recorded flying at 85 mph off Vero Beach. This is slower than the aircraft’s normal cruising speed and would feasibly allow the aircrew to deploy parachute flares or some other illumination device. The aircraft took off and returned to the airport in Fort Pierce.

As the flares start to slowly drop, they are seen extinguishing clearly before reaching the waterline. Steven Greer then states:

“Oh, that’s gone into the ocean. See what it did?”

No and neither did you or the camera.

This post could go on and on, but it really serves no further point.

Steven Greer is a relic of ufology, who enjoyed fame and notoriety during the quiet, pre-2017 speculative years. His complete lack of exposure other than through his own efforts during this time should speak volumes. No one, and I mean no one, with any credibility on this topic is referring to him for comment, and no, that’s not because he’s being silenced. The cream is rising to the top during this historic time, and the right people are being left behind.

Will some of the stories Steven Greer refers to have elements of truth to them? Sure. But if I fire 500 arrows at a target, hitting one bullseye doesn’t make me Robin Hood.

Ufology attracts a wide audience, and as is the case with any random group, there is a spectrum of intelligence and critical thinking. Steven Greer’s material appeals to a certain end of that spectrum who gravitate to sci-fi esc fantasy over data and credibility. Ones who seek excitement before facts. This is unfortunately why his name will continue to come up. It’s low bandwidth and easy. I’m sure there will be those who think this is just another attempt at silencing and censoring Steven Greer. The smarter ones among you can use those comments as a litmus test to spot those at the end of the spectrum I was referring to.

For anyone who would like to know sources of information or links to the things I have discussed, please, look for them yourself. It will be a good exercise in not believing the first thing to prick your ears.

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